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the helps people collect, archive, orgaize, and retrieve their knowledge. We were wiki before pedia, but focused on practical techologies and "how to" change the world. It is a "Book of Shadows" to pass down to our future; my lifes work and that of others. We collect:

We used to sell a few simple items which promote learning and take advantage of economies of scale to provide prices less than possible for individual purchases. Or product focus was large format CNC and very large 3D printers. However, competing with false product specs from large offshore suppliers and with professional suppliers here in the states made that financially untenable.

Ideas for web sites

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The following quote from an email I sent to a friend when I found out about another's passing, explains my interest in this:

-----Original Message-----
From: James Newton 
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2000 09:39
To: Nikolai Golovchenko
Subject: FW: Code Generator

Life is short. Tony left some things behind that are of value and that indicate that he was a brilliant addition to the world. It would be a shame not to let people know about his contributions and to put them to good use.

This is the point of massmind. We are all going to die and every day our brains die a little. We forget what we knew. The techref was born the day I realized this. I made it public the day my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. She doesn't remember who any of us are now and is not expected to live more than another year. She was a very smart lady. I say "was" because when our brains stop, we aren't people anymore are we?

This code generator and projects like it will be all that is left of the mind of people like Tony, you and I and hopefully many others. Obsolescence is not an issue. I can still run the Battlezone arcade game I loved as a kid even though it was written for a different processor and hardware.

Please, let us not loose what we know just because we forget or even die.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2000 08:54

It is with great regret that we have to announce the death of Tony Fisher, following a short illness, on 1 March 2000.

Professor Alan Burns
Head of Department

-----Original Message-----
From: James Newton 
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2000 08:53
Cc: Nikolai Golovchenko
Subject: Your filter design code generator

My colleague and I are interested in extending your digital filter
and PLL design
code generator to produce optimized asm code for the PIC microcontrollers
as a part of our code generator project at

See also:


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