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Microsoft® JScript™
switch Statement
 Language Reference 
Version 3 

See Also

Enables the execution of one or more statements when a specified expression's value matches a label.
switch (expression) {
   case label :
   case label :
   default :

The switch statement syntax has these parts:

Part Description
expression The expression to be evaluated.
label An identifier to be matched against expression. If label === expression, execution starts with the statementlist immediately after the colon. and continues until it encounters either a break statement, which is optional, or the end of the switch statement. Without a break, execution will continue thru all following labels.
statementlist One or more statements to be executed.
Use the default clause to provide a statement to be executed if none of the label values matches expression. It can appear anywhere within the switch code block.

Zero or more label blocks may be specified. If no label matches the value of expression, and a default case is not supplied, no statements are executed.

Execution flows through a switch statement as follows:

  1. Evaluate expression and look at label in order until a match is found.
  2. If a label value equals expression, execute its accompanying statementlist.
    Continue execution until a break statement is encountered, or the switch statement ends. This means that multiple label blocks are executed if a break statement is not used.
  3. If no label equals expression, go to the default case. If there is no default case, go to last step.
  4. Continue execution at the statement following the end of the switch code block.

The following example tests an object for its type:

function MyObject() {
switch (object.constructor){
	case Date:
	 //code for a date
	case Number:
	 //code for a number
	case String:
	 //code for a string
	case MyObject:
	 //code for an "MyObject"
	 //code for "none of the above"

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